Movements in 2009
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Yngvar spent the winter 2008/09 in the same areas as the previous winter. In April he flew eastwards again, ending up on Vaygach Island where he spent the summer. In September he headed westwards again, and on Oct. 22. he was back for the third winter in the same areas as before on Kola Peninsula. He has spent the winter 2009/10 in his old winter habitats.

Host started transmitting as early as February 2009. She was then in the same areas as Yngvar, not far from where he stayed. In the beginning of April she flew eastwards, ending on the southern part of Novaya Zemlya. In September she flew to the mainland south of Vaygach Island, where her last signals for summer where received on Sept. 14.

Albertine started transmitting in the beginning of April. She too, was in the same winter areas as Yngvar on Kola. A few days later she headed eastwards, ending up on Novaya Zemlya, not far from Host. On Sept. 13. we received her last signals, still from Novaya Zemlya.
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